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Friday 30 November 2012

"Air Fried Meat Spring Roll气炸肉卷"

这是我的家传肉卷。年年农历新年大团圆时,这道菜肴百吃不厌,而且总是很所欢迎。我们是用肉碎、虾肉、蒜头及葱头加其他调味料做成。 还有我们的肉卷是有蒸过的。蒸过的肉卷,如用不完,还能冷冻,下次要吃时才解冻,炸过即可。来到北方后,发现他们的肉卷和我们做法不一样。北方的肉卷是用肉条而不是肉碎。

This is recipies is inherited from my grandmom.Each reunion lunch during lunar new year,we never miss this dish. It always got very hot demand. For this spring roll, we are using minced pork meat, minced shrimps,onion,shallot and others flavoring and spice to make it. Then it will steam first before we fried it.The remaining stream roll can be keep in freezer for next time consumption.That's why we normally make quite a huge batches each time.When I move to the northern region, I realized that their fried spring roll is using meat strip rather than minced meat.The method is diferrent.

碎肉                  -500g 
碎虾仁             -150g
红萝卜       -1条(小或中形随个人喜好)(切碎)
蒜头及红葱头 -个10粒 (切碎)
苏打饼               -5 片(压碎成粉状) 
五香粉       - 1汤匙半
胡椒粉              - 1茶匙
蛋白                  -1 粒( 大粒的)
豆皮                  - 1-2 张
香蕉叶              - 足够放蒸盘就

1。 将碎肉,碎虾仁 ,红萝卜碎,蒜头及红葱头碎, 搅拌均匀。
2。 放入蛋白,苏打饼碎搅拌均匀。
3。 接着才放入所有的调味粉搅拌均匀,备用。
4。 在一个大菜板(砧板)打开豆皮,将碎肉馅料用汤匙舀在豆皮上,排
5。 下一步是把肉卷放在铺了香蕉叶的蒸盘上。记得豆皮切口要向下。
6。 重复相同步奏把所有馅料包好。
7。 排满肉卷的蒸盘可以先下锅蒸,大概蒸10分钟让肉卷熟即可。
8。 记得要待冷后才能拿来炸,炸至黄金色即可。
9。 如没炸完,可将蒸好的肉卷冷冻,下次在炸。


Minced Pork meat     -500g
Minced shrimps         -150g
Carrot                        - 1 small or medium size (chopped fine)
Garlic and Shallot     - 10 gloves( Chopped fine)
Square Soda biscuits - 5 pieces (grinded fine)
5 Spice powder          - 1.5 tbsp
Pepper powder           - 1 tsp
Egg White                  - from 1 large egg
Beancurd skin            - 1-2 pieces
Banana leave              - enough to cover the steamer traysalt and MSG for taste

1.  Mix well minced pork meat,shrimps, chopped carrot,garlic and shallot.
2.  Pour in egg white and grinded soda biscuit to the mixture, mix well.
3.  Then add in the rest of the flavoring and spice and mix until well combined.
      Set aside.
4.   On a large chopping board, open the beancurd skin, scoop in the spring roll   
      filling along the beancurd skin. Then roll the skin up and cut it once the
      filling is covered by the beancurd skin.
5.  Align the spring roll onto the streamer tray lined with the banana leave.
     Remember to face down the cutting portion of the beancurb skin.
6.  Repeat the above step until finish the filling.
7.  While the streamer tray already fill up with the spring roll, you may start to
      steam it first with low heat about 10 minutes until it is cooked.
8.  Leave the steamed spring roll cool first only can fried it.
9.  Finally, fried in until golden colour and serve it hot.
10. For those unfinished steamed spring roll, you can freezed it for next round.
      Just thaw it before fried.

Note: Fried Spring roll tasted well with Ayamas chili sauce.

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